The teams for LaBox 2024 have been announced!
We are pleased to welcome the following teams:
High Contact (men’s rules):
- Blax
- Bonn Lions
- Discounter Lacrosse
- KaMaGörls
- Kumpelz
- MarBroRo
- Prachtsternschnecken
- Royal Gardeners
- Taters
- The Länd
- Viktoria Berlin
- Zbraslav
Low Contact (women’s rules):
- Andreas NJGA
- Blaxettes
- Dortmund Wolverines
- Göttingen + Alumnae
- Kapabra
- Leipzig Lacrosse
- Musketeers and Lions United
- Panthers Wroclaw
- Patékes
- Potatoes
- Poznan Hussars Ladies
- Pumicorn